USB<->I2C interface using a RAVAR MOD4 module

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Aim of the project


An USB to I2C interface using a RAVAR MOD4 module with its C interface library.

The RAVAR MOD4 module is used in the "Bit Bang Mode", witch enables a direct control of the output with the library.



A very simple schematic using only the RAVAR MOD4 module and a standard TTL component.

D0 of the RAVAR is the I2C clock

D1 of the RAVAR is the I2C output data

D2 of the RAVAR is the I2C input data

D3 of the RAVAR is the I2C interrupt

Component side


A board with no particular difficulty.



The PCB of the board.

Click on the picture to display the full resolution PCB (33 ko).

It is a 4 by 2 inches board at 600 dpi resolution.

The software interface


The source of the software interface downloadable here (8ko).

The interface is 100 % identical with the interface using the PC parallel port and doesn't need any modification of the user program : just modify the include and the linker, that's all.

You can find some example programs (source and compiled) in the I2C library page.